Donating Clothing

When donating clothing please ensure that it is clean and in good order. We work with a number of mission hospitals and many do not have the means to buy clothing, so your donations can really make a difference and save lives.

email: [email protected]

New Knits 

Many people around the UK send us new knits, mainly for babies (hats, jackets and blankets). We work mainly with the three mission hospitals in the north – Ekwendeni, Embangweni, Livingstonia (David Gordon Memorial). These hospitals each cover an area with over 100,000 residents. Much of this is remote country and the people are the poorest in the world. The hospitals have a policy of giving new knits to every mother who gives birth in the hospital. As the alternative is to give birth at home, often unattended by qualified or trained staff, this policy is saving lives. So your new knits are saving lives of babies and also of mothers!

Well done! Keep it up!

Do's and dont's

Second Hand Clothing

These should be clean and in decent condition. Where possible, BBT will support projects which are self-sustaining. Second hand clothing can never be self-sustaining. Please consider before sending whether could or should source this clothing locally in order to develop a functioning economy. The three mission hospitals are working with AIDS sufferers; many of these cannot afford to buy clothing. For this reason, we send clothing to those hospitals, as they distribute them responsibly. We keep this policy (and our partners) under review. It will be party time when we no longer need to send clothing to Malawi!

Labelling your Parcel