The Do’s and Dont’s of what to send

On this page you will see the things that we regularly ask people to donate to send out to Malawi and also the things that we do not send in the container.

email: [email protected]



Things not to send

  • Food
  • Drugs, medicines etc
  • Things with a short sell-by or use-by date
  • Anything which is banned by an airline
  • Anything oil-based, such as oil-based paints
  • Anything perishable
  • Electrical goods which do not operate on a “British” system

BBT reserves the right to reject any goods which do not conform with the above guidelines.


Labelling your parcel

Things to be careful with


  • Electrical equipment – do local people have the skills to use this? Does it operate on the UK system? Does it work? Will it still work after 3 months in a container?
  • Second-hand goods – please do not use Malawi as a glorified skip.
  • Furniture – sometimes it is better value and more effective to send money and get a local person to make the furniture.
  • We have specific rules about clothing, please refer to our guide.


Donating Clothing

What we like to send

We are currently looking for the following items:

  • Baby clothing
  • Children/Adult clothing
  • Blood pressure cuffs
  • Wheelchairs
  • Pots and pans
  • Sports equipment
  • Bicycles
  • Pencils with rubber ends/Pencil sharpeners
  • Underwear pants for boys and girls
  • Medical equipment
  • Toothpaste/toothbrushes
  • Hand tools


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